Welcome to the Double Cat Blog

Double Cat is made up of a bunch of game making newbies. Three of us are from other industries (One award winning author/illustrator on 25+ year web developer veteran, and one Visual FX/Photography expert), so while we’re new to this, we’re not exactly inexperienced.

What it has meant is that we’ve been doing a lot of learning. Fortunately, there are hundreds of great resources out there, and thousands of developers, artists and others willing to donate their time and experience to help those new to the industry.

One of the frustrations I’ve personally had, however, (especially coming from the very open-source web dev world) has been how much knowledge is still locked up in subscription content, closed source software, and the “secret sauce” that goes into making games (courtesy of NDAs, I guess?). So much of the modern web (for good or bad) is built on top of free and open platforms/tools/frameworks, so it’s a bit of shock to see so much work being done behind closed doors in games.

So, while the community has been incredibly welcoming to us, and I’m eternally grateful for all the support and knowledge we’ve gained from those around us, we felt we can do a lot as well.

Again, none of us are experts, and a lot of what we share might be laughably simple to industry veterans, but if we’re only one step of someone else, and we can help them take that step, isn’t that worth doing?

It remains to be seen how much we, as a team, manage to update and contribute to this resource, but why not give it a go!

If you see something you like, don’t forget to share it, the more we can spread knowledge, the better off we’ll all be.


Nice text wrapping in UMG